GLN Codes

Global Location Numbers

Global Location Number (GLN)

A GLN (Global Location Number) is a unique 13-digit number that is used as a physical location identifier for a business or a branch of a business. Some retailers (such as Tesco Ireland) require these as part of their prerequisites for stocking your products in their stores. We can supply GLN’s for a one-off cost. Note that there is not one global GLN registry- the location your GLN refers to is assigned by each business you are associated with into their internal database.

GLN use in supply chain
Many larger retailers like supermarkets ask for a GLN to use as a unique identifier

Our GLN service is automated. Order below and the GLN will be emailed to you within five minutes.

If after five minutes it is still not received, please check your junk folder (particularly if you use hotmail).

Buy a specific quantity

Price: $49.00

Price per barcode = $49.00

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Buy a set of barcodes


$44.00 per barcode

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$39.00 per barcode

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$36.00 per barcode

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$25.00 per barcode

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$15.00 per barcode

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$8.00 per barcode

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$1.50 per barcode

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