Barcode Registration
Register your barcode in our International Database
Barcode Registration
Purchasing Barcode Registration entitles you to have your barcode registered in the International Barcodes Database, which increases online presence and discourages barcode theft. Barcode registration is included free with our retail barcode packages, so only purchase this product if you have barcodes you sourced from another barcode company that you want registered.
Barcode Registration is optional, and does not encode your product details into the barcode or communicate them to retailers- it just means that when someone googles your barcode number or searches for it in our Barcodes Database your product details will come up, which is very beneficial for increasing your online profile. You do not need to register your barcodes to use them.
For more information, please see this guide: How to Register Your Barcode Online
Purchase Registration for your Barcode Number below:
Quantity | Price per Registration |
1 + | $ 20 each |
5 + | $ 18 each |
10 + | $ 16 each |
20 + | $ 14 each |
30 + | $ 12 each |
50 + | $ 10 each |
How Registration Works
If you purchase this item you will be able to register your 12 or 13 digit long EAN, UPC, or ISBN barcode numbers and your product/company details on the International Barcodes Database (please note that information you submit to that database also feeds through to several other online barcode databases, so your product information should appear on several different online databases).
Please enter your barcode number(s) into the “additional information” section when you proceed to the checkout page. We will then send you an email to request proof of your barcode ownership. If we are satisfied that you are the legal owner of an authentic EAN, UPC, or ISBN barcode number then we will activate your barcode number for registration on the International Barcodes Database, and give you instructions for how to register it.